I would like to share with you this very special video of the moment when we announced to my parents that I was pregnant. There is a fun twist to it all.
About two years ago my mom told me about a dream that my dad had. In that dream he said to her that I sat on his lap and I asked him “Dad, Im I heavier than usual”? Allegadly he said YES, and I went ahead and told him it’s because its two of us.. IM PREGNANT 😮.
My mom told me this story a few months before I found out I was actually pregnant. I prayed that one day I could make my dad’s dream come true.
In this video you will see how my hubby tells my parents “ok Im gonna take a picture 1,2,3” but instead of taking a picture he started filming the moment where I reanacted the dream that my dad had. Here is the moment where not just my dad’s dream became true but all of ours did as well… Papa I’m heavier because it’s two of us…I’m pregnant. Enjoy
Me gustaría compartir contigo este video muy especial del momento en que les anunciamos a mis padres de que estaba embarazada. Hay un toque de diversión.
Hace unos dos años mi mamá me conto de un sueño que mi papá tuvo. En ese sueño le dijo que me sentaba en sus piernas y que le pregunté: “Papá, ¿estoy más pesada que de costumbre”? Supuestamente el dijo que sí, y me adelanté y le dije es porque somos dos .. ESTOY EMBARAZADA
Mi mamá me contó esta historia unos meses antes de que me enterara de que estaba realmente embarazada. Yo oré para que algún día pudiera hacer realidad el sueño de mi papá.
En este video verás cómo mi esposo le dice a mis padres “ok voy a tomar una foto 1,2,3”, la verdad fue que comenzó a grabar el momento en que pude hacerle el sueño en realidad a mi papá. Aquí está el momento en el que no sólo el sueño de mi papá se hizo realidad, pero el de todos nosotros también … “Papá estoy más pesada porque somos dos … Estoy embarazada.” Que lo Disfruten.
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Hello Janet,
Thank you for always sharing amazing blogs.
I Read your blog announcing how you found out you were pregnant and your story really touch me. I Recently got married Jan 2017 and we been wanting to have kids but we weren’t really sure of when or planning. I did the same thing you guys did, I wrote down in a piece of paper ( I remember doing it at work) my prayer this was last summer 2016. We found out we were pregnant the first week of march and we are due Nov 2017. I this point I had forgot all about the paper. Until I remembered I was nervous to open it and there it was I wrote babies Fernandez twins ( my husband is a twin) boy or girl, Nov or Dec 2017. JC
We are so blessed and thankful with God that he is blessing us with our first baby.
Thank you for your amazing Faith and inspiration
Cynthia Fernandez
wow Praise God. I am literally crying of joy for you, as I have Ariela on my lap and trying to feed her with one hand haha. Thank you so so much for sharing this and for being faithful. The best is yet to come.
Wow. Que felicidad, casi me hacen llorar.😂
si la verdad fue increíble. Gracias por veerlo. Bendiciones